Academic Profile

Profile of the International Baccalaureate learning community, our students will be:


a. Full scholarship to the top graduate, in on-site careers at UEES.
b. 50% scholarship to flag bearers and 40% to escorts, in on-site careers at UEES.
c. 30% scholarship to all scholarship students during their studies at Liceo, to pursue careers at UEES in on-site mode.
d. 25% scholarship to all graduates from Liceo, for careers at UEES in on-site mode.
e. 15% scholarship to active teachers in on-site graduate careers.
f. Validation of the CAMBRIDGE exam certification with approval of high-level B2 or C1 and above.
g. Training for Liceo teachers.
h. Access to the UEES Library.
i. Use of UEES laboratories for 2nd and 3rd year high school students from Liceo Panamericano.
j. 30% scholarship for children of active collaborators and 50% for children of Liceo Panamericano directors.


a. Offer free admission exams to USFQ for students of the College/Institution.
b. Grant the "Honors Board Agreement Scholarship," which consists of fifty percent (50%).
c. Award 12 spots for the academic excellence scholarship named "Leader Scholarship."


a. Vocational guidance talks
b. 10% discount on tuition fees for undergraduate programs
c. 100% full scholarship to the top high school graduate
d. 50% discount on leveling course for all high school graduates
e. Special discount of 10% for teachers and 20% for executives in graduate programs


1. Establecer en conjunto un calendario anual de las fechas de exámenes correspondientes a todos los niveles que estarán disponibles para registrar a los candidatos durante todo el año en curso, junto a la fecha de cierre de inscripciones de cada uno.
2. Resolver dudas que tenga el Centro de Preparación respecto a los exámenes, así como ofrecer asesoría sobre la preparación, los formatos, contenidos y procedimientos.
3. Ofrecer una vez al año, reunión con docentes de cada nivel de inglés para socializar e impartir material actualizado, tips, sugerencias y resolver dudas sobre la preparación de los estudiantes.
4. Registrar en la plataforma de Cambridge a todos los candidatos que el Centro de Preparación desee inscribir para cada examen, dentro de la fecha límite previamente establecida.
5. Solicitar comprobante de pago de todos los candidatos a inscribir previo a realizar las inscripciones.
6. Una vez inscritos los candidatos, el Centro Autorizado enviará la confirmación del Registro de cada uno junto con el horario de examen. Es importante conocer que el día del examen, cada estudiante debe presentarse con documento de identidad válido y con fotografía actualizada para verificar la identidad del mismo.


a. Use of UCSG rooms and auditoriums
b. Grant 10% discount on continuing education courses
c. Grant 10% discount on graduate programs
d. 100% scholarship to the top high school graduate
e. 60% scholarship for national flag bearer, 40% for cantonal flag bearer, 25% for escorts
f. Discounts for admission process
g. 100% discount on professional orientation test (all high school graduates)
h. Develop vocational guidance talks


a. Equipamiento tecnológico del 30% de la venta realizada a LP
b. 60 hours of training for teaching staff (35 hrs in Samorondón, 25 hrs in Centenario)
c. 40 hours of Digiaulas training (25 hrs in Samborondón, 15 hrs in Centenario)
d. 50 hours of classroom visits and Digiaulas follow-up (30 hrs in Samborondón, 20 hrs in Centenario)
e. 16 hours of thematic IB training
f. 30 hours of consultancy for MINEDUC documentation preparation (15 hrs in Samborondón, 15 hrs in Centenario)


a. Adherence to UNIR job and internship portal
b. Access to InCompany Training
c. Access to Talent Acquisition Project
d. Promotion of special employment programs among the university community
e. License for recording and broadcasting virtual live sessions


a. Provide 1 workshop or workshop for students and/or teachers.
b. Offer 50% discount for students, collaborators, and children on all Humane careers.
c. Offer discounts on services from the allied consultant Humane Consulting Group.
d. Offer 50% discount on online Teacher Certification.
e. Offer 30% discount on TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) Teacher Certification.


a. Career Orientation Test
b. English Proficiency Test
c. UDLA Scholarships, Honor Board Scholarships (50%, 37%, 25%)
d. Model United Nations (MUN)


a. Equipamiento tecnológico del 30% de la venta realizada a LP
b. 60 hours of training for teaching staff (35 hrs in Samorondón, 25 hrs in Centenario)
c. 40 hours of Digiaulas training (25 hrs in Samborondón, 15 hrs in Centenario)
d. 50 hours of classroom visits and Digiaulas follow-up (30 hrs in Samborondón, 20 hrs in Centenario)
e. 16 hours of thematic IB training
f. 30 hours of consultancy for MINEDUC documentation preparation (15 hrs in Samborondón, 15 hrs in Centenario)


a. 55% scholarship per school of origin (differentiated tuition fee) in tuition fees, according to the tables annually approved by LEXA for this purpose, for undergraduate programs, regular student category. This scholarship does not apply to admission processes, registrations, thesis seminars, comprehensive research seminars, or subjects in the Degree Completion or Curricular Integration Unit. The application and renewal process for the scholarship will be subject to internal regulations and/or rules. If a graduate of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT wishes to apply for another type of scholarship, they must comply with the Scholarship and Financial Aid Regulations.
b. Talks or workshops to facilitate the career selection process for students of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT, subject to availability of space and instructor schedules.
c. Conducting other formative activities at the EDUCATIONAL UNIT with teachers, subject to instructor availability.
Beneficiaries: Graduates of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT and their first-degree blood relatives. Teaching, administrative staff, and authorities of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT, their spouses or legally recognized common-law partners, and their first-degree blood relatives.


a. 20% discount on undergraduate programs.
b. 10% discount on graduate programs.
c. 10% discount on continuing education programs.
d. 5% discount on professionalization programs.


Grant the BENEFICIARIES a discount on the tuition fees of third-level courses and postgraduate programs, in accordance with the terms established in the fourth clause of the AGREEMENT. Receive relevant registrations and registrations within the third-level courses and postgraduate programs that the UCG has, within the deadlines established by UCG and provided that current regulations are complied with; In the case of training and business updates promoted by GLIA, make it possible to complete the requests in this regard. Offer timely information to the person designated in the AGREEMENT regarding the registration requirements, current costs for the different academic periods, study plans, evaluation systems, study periods and deadlines, and qualifications, among others that are applicable within from the UCG. Disseminate job requirements for permanent, temporary positions or internships through -the UCG Labor Exchange service, free of charge and without a time limit according to the dissemination and frequency policies of UCG. For promotional purposes of the activities derived from this agreement, the parties may make joint use of their logos and other corporate identifications, respecting the policies established in the communication and image manuals of each Institution.


a. Full scholarship to the top graduate, in on-site careers at UEES.
b. 50% scholarship to flag bearers and 40% to escorts, in on-site careers at UEES.
c. 30% scholarship to all scholarship students during their studies at Liceo, to pursue careers at UEES in on-site mode.
d. 25% scholarship to all graduates from Liceo, for careers at UEES in on-site mode.
e. 15% scholarship to active teachers in on-site graduate careers.
f. Validation of the CAMBRIDGE exam certification with approval of high-level B2 or C1 and above.
g. Training for Liceo teachers.
h. Access to the UEES Library.
i. Use of UEES laboratories for 2nd and 3rd year high school students from Liceo Panamericano.
j. 30% scholarship for children of active collaborators and 50% for children of Liceo Panamericano directors.


a. Offer free admission exams to USFQ for students of the College/Institution.
b. Grant the "Honors Board Agreement Scholarship," which consists of fifty percent (50%).
c. Award 12 spots for the academic excellence scholarship named "Leader Scholarship."


a. Vocational guidance talks
b. 10% discount on tuition fees for undergraduate programs
c. 100% full scholarship to the top high school graduate
d. 50% discount on leveling course for all high school graduates
e. Special discount of 10% for teachers and 20% for executives in graduate programs


a. Información acerca de exámenes Cambridge
b. Brindar 4 horas de sesiones pedagógicas sobre exámenes Cambridge a staff académico de Inglés
c. Apoyo académico y logístico para sistema de evaluación a estudiantes
d. Otorga 5% de descuento sobre valor total de Cambridge Assessment English al cumplir condiciones específicas


a. Use of UCSG rooms and auditoriums
b. Grant 10% discount on continuing education courses
c. Grant 10% discount on graduate programs
d. 100% scholarship to the top high school graduate
e. 60% scholarship for national flag bearer, 40% for cantonal flag bearer, 25% for escorts
f. Discounts for admission process
g. 100% discount on professional orientation test (all high school graduates)
h. Develop vocational guidance talks


a. Equipamiento tecnológico del 30% de la venta realizada a LP
b. 60 hours of training for teaching staff (35 hrs in Samorondón, 25 hrs in Centenario)
c. 40 hours of Digiaulas training (25 hrs in Samborondón, 15 hrs in Centenario)
d. 50 hours of classroom visits and Digiaulas follow-up (30 hrs in Samborondón, 20 hrs in Centenario)
e. 16 hours of thematic IB training
f. 30 hours of consultancy for MINEDUC documentation preparation (15 hrs in Samborondón, 15 hrs in Centenario)


a. Adherence to UNIR job and internship portal
b. Access to InCompany Training
c. Access to Talent Acquisition Project
d. Promotion of special employment programs among the university community
e. License for recording and broadcasting virtual live sessions


a. Provide 1 workshop or workshop for students and/or teachers.
b. Offer 50% discount for students, collaborators, and children on all Humane careers.
c. Offer discounts on services from the allied consultant Humane Consulting Group.
d. Offer 50% discount on online Teacher Certification.
e. Offer 30% discount on TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) Teacher Certification.


a. Career Orientation Test
b. English Proficiency Test
c. UDLA Scholarships, Honor Board Scholarships (50%, 37%, 25%)
d. Model United Nations (MUN)

Tecnológico LEXA

a. Beca del cincuenta y cinco por ciento (55%) por colegio de origen (arancel diferenciado) en la colegiatura, de acuerdo a las tablas que anualmente aprueba LEXA para el efecto, para las carreras de grado, categoría estudiante regular. Esta beca no aplica para el proceso de admisión, matrículas, seminarios de titulación, seminario integral de investigación, ni materias de la Unidad de Titulación o Integración Curricular. El proceso de aplicación y renovación de beca estará sujeto a la normativa y/o reglamentación interna de LEXA. En el caso de que un graduado de la UNIDAD EDUCATIVA desee acceder a otro tipo de beca deberá estar sujeto a lo dispuesto en el Reglamento de Becas y Ayudas Económicas de LEXA.
b. Charlas o talleres que faciliten el proceso de elección de carrera de los estudiantes de la UNIDAD EDUCATIVA, sujeto a disponibilidad de espacio y horario de instructores de LEXA.
c. La realización de otras actividades formativas en la UNIDAD EDUCATIVA con docentes de LEXA, sujeto a la disponibilidad de instructores de LEXA. Beneficiarios: Los graduados de la UNIDAD EDUCATIVA y sus parientes en primer grado de consanguinidad. Personal docente, administrativo y autoridades de la UNIDAD EDUCATIVA, sus cónyuges o convivientes en unión de hecho legalmente reconocida, y sus familiares hasta el primer grado de consanguinidad.

Técnologico Argos

a. 20% discount on undergraduate programs.
b. 10% discount on graduate programs.
c. 10% discount on continuing education programs.
d. 5% discount on professionalization programs.


Grant the BENEFICIARIES a discount on the tuition fees of third-level courses and postgraduate programs, in accordance with the terms established in the fourth clause of the AGREEMENT. Receive relevant registrations and registrations within the third-level courses and postgraduate programs that the UCG has, within the deadlines established by UCG and provided that current regulations are complied with; In the case of training and business updates promoted by GLIA, make it possible to complete the requests in this regard. Offer timely information to the person designated in the AGREEMENT regarding the registration requirements, current costs for the different academic periods, study plans, evaluation systems, study periods and deadlines, and qualifications, among others that are applicable within from the UCG. Disseminate job requirements for permanent, temporary positions or internships through -the UCG Labor Exchange service, free of charge and without a time limit according to the dissemination and frequency policies of UCG. For promotional purposes of the activities derived from this agreement, the parties may make joint use of their logos and other corporate identifications, respecting the policies established in the communication and image manuals of each Institution.