Early Childhood Education

(Ages 2 to 5)

At this stage, we introduce the Primary Years Programme (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate, focusing on developing the IB learner profile attributes. Our goal is to foster skills and values that enable our students to become global citizens from an early age.

  • Ages: 2 to 5 years
  • Personalized Attention: One teacher and one assistant
    Una Maestra  y una asistente
  • Languages – Bilingualism:
    Spanish 50%
    English 50%


  • Safety:
  • Transporte
    El acompañamiento que ofrecemos en las rutas de transporte escolar para estudiantes de nivel inicial es fundamental para garantizar su seguridad y bienestar.
  • Connected and Informed
    The Seesaw platform promotes active student participation and strengthens communication between home and school, creating a more connected educational community.
  • Student Handover:
    A rigorous procedure is followed to verify the identity of responsible adults when students are handed over, ensuring their safety.
  • Educational Environment:
    La Casita: A space designed to nurture life skills such as autonomy, collaboration, and responsibility.
    Fantasy Castle: Children explore learning through STEM activities, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  • Student Progress:
    Through our mascot, Mr. Whoo, we help children reflect on what they have learned and identify where they are in their educational journey.

Our Early Childhood section is part of a Christian-Catholic, bilingual institution grounded in values, offering a holistic education across three levels: Maternal, Initial 1-2, and First Grade. With a constructivist methodology, we encourage the development of essential skills necessary for success in literacy and early math competencies.

What is Early Childhood Education?

Early Childhood Education is the foundational stage where children are prepared for the next cycle of learning, primary school. Also known as preschool, this phase complements the education children receive at home. It is a continuous and lasting process of quality social interactions that enable children to maximize their potential and develop life competencies.

Preschool or Early Childhood Level 

The Early Childhood section is part of a Christian-Catholic, value-oriented bilingual institution. It offers a holistic education in Maternal, Initial 1-2, and First Grade. The PYP is initiated here, aiming to shape children into responsible and empathetic agents of their environment. 

As the phase before mandatory primary education, it stimulates early childhood development through opportunities for peer interaction, fostering ongoing growth with a focus on the IB learner profile, life competencies, and immersion in the English language. These learning experiences promote independence, communicative skills, and quality social interactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Existen 2 maestras (titular y auxiliar).

  • Maternal: 10 horas 
  • Prekinder – Kinder: 12 horas 
  • Primero: 13 horas

Si. El LP es un colegio de filosofía cristiano-católica, sin embargo se aceptan niños con religiones diferentes.

El Programa de la Escuela Primaria (PEP) del IB, destinado a alumnos de 3 a 12  años, les permite formarse y desarrollarse para ser solidarios y participar activamente en el aprendizaje durante toda la vida.

Gracias a su marco transdisciplinario basado en la indagación, el PEP estimula a los alumnos a pensar por sí mismos y a asumir la responsabilidad de su propio aprendizaje a medida que exploran cuestiones y oportunidades locales y globales en contextos de la vida real. En el PEP, los alumnos aprenden a pensar por sí mismos y a asumir la responsabilidad de su propio aprendizaje, gracias al enfoque basado en la indagación.

Al desarrollar los atributos del perfil de la comunidad del aprendizaje del IB, los alumnos también aprenden a demostrar respeto por sí mismos y por los demás, al tiempo que desarrollan una mentalidad internacional al trabajar con otros en pos de un objetivo común y emprenden acciones para lograr cambios positivos.

En el nivel de inicial entregamos temarios para poder rendir las pruebas académicas desde maternal a primero de básica

Se utiliza la plataforma Seesaw. Esta es una herramienta educativa en la que el alumno reúne todas sus producciones en cualquier tipo de formato para poder ser evaluadas por el profesor y revisadas por los padres de familia.  Esta herramienta permite comprobar el grado de desarrollo de las competencias del alumnado, lo que le convierte en una herramienta muy poderosa para la evaluación y el trabajo por competencias.